Author Archive

Pantone colour of the year 2021 for nursery wall stickers

Nursery wall stickers in the new Pantone 2021 colours of the year

New range of nursery wall sticker designs at Owl and Brolly

New wall stickers at lots to choose from including woodland animals wall stickers, mermaids, unicorns, farm yard, mountains, pandas, African jungle safari, forest animal wall stickers, Balloons, dinosaurs, pirates, fairies, Noah’s Arc, koalas, llamas and sloths

Woodland wall sticker decal in a Baby Boutique in Exeter

I have just seen that a lovely new baby boutique, the thrifty stork, has chosen one of my woodland wall sticker designs to go up in their store! It is so lovely to see where my creations go and how they look when up. Here is a photo which is displayed on this post on […]

Artist in Residence – a gallery viewing…

I had the privilege to go into the William Barnes School in Sturminster Newton in November last year and now that some time has passed since the children learned some watercolour basics with me, I have been asked to go back today to look at the work they have created in their own gallery showing! […]

A gold and two silver awards

I am taking part in the Dorset Arts and Crafts Association (DACA) again this year, it is to be my last as the Fine Art Director simply due to the time constraints I have at the moment. I will continue to demonstrate for them from time to to though 🙂 It is also their 2nd […]

Watercolour portrait of ‘Freeman’ the black retriever

From time to time when I am painting portraits I like to take the extra time to take photos to show how I paint, and how paintings develop. I wanted to show the lovely dog Freeman being painted. I have painted many paintings now for this lovely family, and two of the animal portraits have […]

Family Tree Card Cut

A new creation for a lovely client, Vanessa. These card cuts have been really popular over the last 12 months, and here is yet another, with the four names of the family, lovingly hand painted, and hand cut on acid free textured card stock, will colour coordinated hand cut leaves, all assembled to give you […]

Zac, the Alsatian

I need to spend a long time updating some of my recent work, and I will find a time to do it soon, but for now, rather busy painting to various deadlines. There is time to get this painting of Zac up though. Painted for Dave here in the village of Charlton Marshall, Zac is […]

Happy Christmas 2013

Happy Christmas. 🙂 Thank you for all your support I have had this year. I have met many new lovely people, and worked again for many I already know. What an interesting year it turned out to be, with lots of new things, many hard challenges, and the prospect of a full and rather involved […]

Design Seeds, a really useful resource

I discovered this not too long ago, and it is a fantastic way to find colour combinations in nature, especially for those who don’t have the time to go and do it all your self. Has been a great tool for me to use with my decal designs, although I am constantly inspired by many […]

Water colour poppies demonstration

I have been asked if I can demonstrate my watercolour poppies for the lighthouse art group in June, and thought I would post up a previous poppies in the making as an example of what it will look like to those watching, although it is likely to be less watery as this one, because it […]

Jungle Decal, corner tree version

My latest decal design, a jungle theme, which sits nicely into the corner of a room which is great for those who don’t have a whole wall free but still want to do something creative using wall stickers in their children’s bedrooms. I enjoyed coming up with this concept of a crafty corner design 🙂 […]

Card Cut painted tree

A new range of pictures ‘Card Cuts’ hand painted on 300gsm acid free textured card. Made to order designs, so contact me to place an order. £45 inc postage.

Watercolour class, part one

Well, what a wonderful start to the lessons. It was a joy to meet my 3 ladies today and help them on their way to getting knowledgeable about watercolours papers and colours. not to mention the chatting and the coffee (with jaffa cakes too) 🙂 I am really looking forward to seeing them again next […]

Watercolour Classes

My new watercolour classes commence at Dorset studio in the garden from Monday 4th March! I am running a series of 6 sessions for beginners watercolours, and I am really excited. Looking forward to meeting these lovely ladies again who signed up last year during Dorset Art Weeks. All the prep is done, the only […]

Mother’s Day cards in the making.

I thought I would go into how I go about making my handmade cards. I love the fact that I am using a combination of watercolours and papers to make these, and then cutting out the elements using a nice handy swivel scalpel. I use a really nice quality off white textured card that is […]

Hand Made card designs

A 3 flowered design with garden tools

Frozen water at Charlton Marshall

Frozen field in the snow at Charlton Marshall

Woodland animals and friends wall sticker design

Here are some preview images of the different colours chosen for the designs, as well as being an example of the 4 different sized kits available. It also shows that the small branch, whether part of the largest kit or on it’s own, is fully reversible for more flexibility in its placement in the bedroom. […]

Children’s wall decal designs

a sneak peak at some of the elements of the first woodland set

Dorset Studio Designs

Well it is official. 2 months ago I become a designer of children’s wall designs. I am working exclusively with a small local start up company and the designs will be available soon from their online shop! It is lovely to be able to design for them as having never used design software before, they […]

Hawthorn gallery in Blandford Forum

Here is a photo of some of the work I now have up at the Hawthorn Gallery. More images of the work in the shop can be seen at the Hawthorn Craft Facebook Page HERE 🙂

Work in Hawthorn Craft in Blandford Forum

I am going to be dropping some work of to a lovely gallery in Blandford that specialise in hand made crafts, and I am taking in some of my fabric pictures for her walls. It is like a treasure trove in there for really unique gifts for that special person, or just something to treat […]

New Designs

Been sat this morning making a start on some designs for children’s products, starting with a pirate ship, and I will also be doing some butterflies and fairy ones too. I am looking forward to getting some of these done in watercolour to show the client 🙂

Car design

I have had an amusing and challenging time lately drawing up an old British Racing Motor for a banner for a lovely man in Tisbury. I am looking forward to how he reacts to the finished article 🙂

Dorset Art and Crafts Association 2012

I have had a wonderful time at this years DACA held at bovington school. it was my first year as the Fine Arts Director, and thourouly enjoyed hanging all the artwork for the exhibition. I was also able to resume my demonstrating while there, and did several topics, including a watercolour poppies painting, and also […]

Home again

After an extended stay in Essex, we are now home! Much designing for logos, and some commissions for other designs (coming soon!) I also felt I needed to change my twitter background to reflect the calm in the studio. I have planning to get done for the dorset Art and Craft Association, as I have […]

Dorset Art Weeks is over….

Well, that was a hugely exciting time, and i am so glad hubby and I put all the extra effort in to getting the garden right for the studio warming too. I had an over whelming response for people wanting art lessons, for acrylics, watercolours and fabric work. so, I now have an intense time […]

Dorset Art Weeks 2012 venue 318

Here is a teaser of just a few of the things I will have up here at my home and new garden studio during 2012 Dorset Arts Weeks. I will have over 40 pieces of work available to view and buy, and now offer a print to canvas service for most things on show. I […]

Now accepting PayPal payments!

I have included a payment by PayPal feature on the website for those who wish to pay on the day and want to use a credit or debit card, and you don’t even need an account! You can find it on the Payment tab 🙂

A look at what’s at Dorset Studio during Art Weeks

Here are some shots of the garden and the studio, and some of the work up on display from a distance. I took them just before my preview which was on Saturday, and it went wonderfully. Many thanks to my previous clients and friends that came 🙂 May the sun shine as nicely as it […]

My Moo business cards.

Just a quick post to shout about my moo business cards i had printed. Here is a sample of them but they are wonderful things to have in a handbag! thanks to you can have as many as 50 different images on your cards! I went for 20 this time and will have a […]

Dorset Art Weeks – a long journey to get here

Well, time is drawing closer to the launch of dorset art weeks 2012. I am so glad to be doing this, this year. I was unable to take part in the last one in 2010 as I was struck down with cronic abdominal nerve pain in late summer of 2008, and then being diagnosed with […]

Woodland Nursery Wall Stickers by

Introducing Nursery Wall Stickers designed and made by Sue Hutchings for her interior decor products website
Creative Scenes for Young Imagination. Just Peel Stick and Love.

A Misty March Morning

I went out and about with the camera this morning for an hour, and stopped at a place I have passed but never paused at before, not far from Upton, in Poole. It was wonderfully misty today (I adore mist) and the roads were quiet, almost erie. I saw some lovely distance shots of trees […]

‘The Hobbit’ Poster

A poster designed for an online contest, for ‘The Hobbit’ movie which will be out in 2012

Teacup with Blossoms

When the sun is shining and in the afternoon on a nice spring day, I get the opportunity to take some shots that really appeal to me. I love pinks and blues and aquas all together, so these shots make me smile.

Dorset Art Weeks 2012

I am in the process of getting ready for Dorset Arts Weeks. we have a proof read of the final book entry we have paid for in just a few weeks. DAW is going to run from 26th May till the 10th June 2012. I am really excited to be apart of it this year, […]

Floral fabric design – twitter background

A pattern design, inspired by fabric in my studio.

Cat Portrait, Casper

A cat painting of a very happy cat, Casper, in Christchurch. Anne, the woman who I painted this for, did the most exquisite Japanese embroidery! very skilled, and very very clever.

Dog Portrait, Bobo

A painting of a most beautiful and energetic dog, Bobo. She really has a wonderful character, and I spent a good deal of time with her, taking the shots that I used to paint this.

Pink Tulips

I was given some stunning pink tulips on monday night, what better thing to do than to take some outdoor shots of them. I want to build up my collection of greetings cards, so that I can have a nice selection for craft shows coming up, as well as for Dorset Art Weeks next year.

Havana cat portrait, Llandra

I have finished and delivered this watercolour portrait of a Havana Cat, Llandra, to a lovely and special couple. This is their 3rd cat portrait I have completed for them

Shaftsbury’s Gold Hill

We went here this weekend with a good friend, as the weather was lovely before lunch….. and then the clouds came rolling in.

Cherry Blossom has bloomed

At long last, the cherry blossom has bloomed! I have been waiting for this for what feels like forever, as I missed the opertunity to capture them last year. This is one of my favorite flowers because of it’s delicate and fragile petals.

New painting – a Boxer

I have been commissioned to do a new painting of a Boxer, which I start my preparations for tomorrow. Here is the main photo I will work from, but I will use another 4 to cover all the angels of her face to help build up her character. This final drawing which I now have […]

Ice patterns

I experienced the most wonderful ice patterns on my car first thing this morning, it was like the fairies had been out with their fairy dust and left a magic spell behind. The beauty was wonderful, so when the sun came out and reflected it’s deep peach glow through the windows, they just came to […]

Sunset over Piddle Hinton

I stayed at my sisters this evening and saw this lovely mellow colour seep into the lounge, and knew the sky outside would be beautiful. She has such beautiful, rolling fields literally on her door step, so hobbled outside to go and capture it. I do love Dorset!

Spring snowdrops

Spring is not spring without snowdrops…. These were taken on the river bank at Sturminster Marshall.

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Sue Hutchings