Watercolour portrait of ‘Freeman’ the black retriever

From time to time when I am painting portraits I like to take the extra time to take photos to show how I paint, and how paintings develop. I wanted to show the lovely dog Freeman being painted. I have painted many paintings now for this lovely family, and two of the animal portraits have […]

Zac, the Alsatian

I need to spend a long time updating some of my recent work, and I will find a time to do it soon, but for now, rather busy painting to various deadlines. There is time to get this painting of Zac up though. Painted for Dave here in the village of Charlton Marshall, Zac is […]

Dog Portrait, Bobo

A painting of a most beautiful and energetic dog, Bobo. She really has a wonderful character, and I spent a good deal of time with her, taking the shots that I used to paint this.

“Jake” Watercolour – Private Commission

Sue Hutchings